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Biotech Innovator Delivering Market Driven Solutions.

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In today’s emerging global economy, access to consistent safe food supply is of utmost importance.  That is why AGT is committed to providing cutting-edge, research based solutions for securing a bright future for all nations.  The need to control costs and increase yields, while also respecting the environment and future generations need for the same are at the core of the technologies we offer.  Our technology and innovations improve efficiency, yield more grain and plant matter from each acre, turn biomass efficiently into the protein supply through livestock production in the most efficient manner possible. Our technologies decrease the risk of contamination and disease in all areas of supply and production.  Dealing with the byproducts of the system are where additional cost savings can be found or new revenue streams can be created.

We strive to create microbial symbiosis applied to crop agriculture designed to enhance nutrient carbon and moisture characteristics of the very land itself.  By controlling the production characteristics and input variables from nutrients to seed to soil inoculations, we see increases in yield potential as well as decreases in carbon outputs.

Unleashing the raw nutrient potential of feeds used in livestock production is an emerging science that is fueled by microbial communities working in harmony with the digestive system of the target animal.  Dramatic increases in feed to weight gain ratio are seen with a properly designed and executed supplement regime.  In order to keep up with the growing demand for animal based proteins, we offer performance driven probiotic solutions to increase the weight-in/weight-on ratio of producers.

The true frontier of agriculture is emerging from the traditional waste products from all aspects of production; be it he excess cellulistic material from corn growing or the waste produced from a hog farm, these are the profit streams of tomorrow.  Learning to use these resources to increase market share is a core focus of AGT.

