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Potable Water

The global economy is increasingly linking fates across the world to the security and stability provided by general access to safe drinking and domestic water.  This very access to potable water of all mankind is of the upmost importance to maintaining balance and growth on a global scale.  AGT’s technology offers a unique answer for this problem through our patented treatment technologies which require no electrical or chemical input to purify water in any situation, from a bustling city, to a village cut off from outside modern amenities.

According to the United Nations and World Health Organization, an estimated 5 million people die annually due to the lack of clean drinking water.  We see this as a significant opportunity to do good as a member of the global market as well as a significant market opportunity.  Our patented silane-quat technology could dramatically change how filtration is performed today throughout the world. Filter media of all sorts impregnated with our technology offer amazing efficacy at reducing all forms of water borne pathogens to non-detectable levels in most cases.  It can provide solutions for safe drinking water in parts of the world that lack the economics and infrastructure to support traditional filtration solutions and provide significant infrastructure and environmental improvements to the already developed markets.  Systems can be designed with no energy consumed, passive or gravity flow, turning disease ridden water into potable water with no electricity necessary.

Potable Water